Sept. 21 - The Payoff of Living More Mindfully

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Recorded On: 09/21/2022

The Payoff of Living More Mindfully


Wednesday, September 21

1:15 PM – 2:00 PM

This breakout session provides up-to-date lifestyle recommendations for how to develop more meaning, peace, and strength in our daily lives. Dr. Knowles teaches mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques. It can work for everyone, and during these incredibly difficult past years, healthy coping mechanisms are much needed to help survive the daily stress attacks on our bodies. Dr. Knowles offers ways to turn our thinking around and learn to savor the moments, even during chaotic times.

Lisa-Knowles-300x300.jpgDr. Lisa Knowles
Associate Dental Consultant
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Dr. Lisa Knowles is the associate dental consultant for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. She continues to practice in East Lansing, Michigan, in her private practice focused on overall health and family dentistry. At Blue Cross, she advises on clinical aspects of Complaints & Grievances, Provider Relations, Fraud, Waste and Abuse, and Integrated Well-Being. She has a certificate in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Healthcare Professionals from Duke University’s Integrated Medicine Program.

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Sept. 21 - The Payoff of Living More Mindfully