NADP Knowledge Center
2020 Dental Benefits Report: Enrollment
To provide current information about the prevalence of dental benefits in the population of the United States, the National Association of Dental Plans conducts an annual survey of its membership and other dental benefit providers. The NADP has been collecting this information since 1994 and the findings in this report draw on this history. This report contains specific information on Dental HMO, Dental PPO, dental Indemnity, and Discount Dental enrollment at the national and state level and Direct Reimbursement and publicly funded benefits at the national level.
While national and state information is provided in this report, no company specific data is reported. Company specific information along with states of operation can be found in NADP's Member Directory.
NADP's mission is to promote and advance the dental benefits industry to improve consumer access to affordable, quality dental care. For more information regarding this report please contact Jerry Berggren, Director of Research and Information, by calling 972.458.6998 x 113
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